Who We Are–the Tea Party Uncovered

Let me begin this by saying that I do not consider myself a member of this self-identified political movement that now claims 28% of the national public. However, I do believe they have unfairly gotten a bad rap from Democrats and even many Republicans, and I think everyone needs to know more of their story.
When polled recently, this “Tea-Party” represented members of every race, ethnicity, and religion common to America. They are split almost evenly between women and men. 74% of them consider themselves “highly” motivated to vote, and lastly 80% favor a Republican congress. Interestingly though 12% do prefer the Democratic candidate for Congress.

When asked what they stand for, their three main points were; 1) To reduce taxes and government spending, 2) They had a strong anti-Washington feeling, and 3) They wanted to ensure that their personal liberties were not compromised.
As I read those points, I ask myself “isn’t this what we all want as Americans?” Since when have we wanted to pay higher taxes? Since when are self-interested politicians smarter than Americans and business-owners on spending money? Since when do we want the government telling us what we can and cannot do? What has happened to our society?
These are the principles that our country was established on, and we must fight to protect them. I am not advocating the 2nd Civil War, but I am saying that it’s time to make our voices heard in the voting booth. For the past four years in the Congress, and two in the White House, we have given the Democrats freedom to pass what they wanted. They rammed a health-care bill through that most Americans don’t want, and a failed stimulus-bill for the “good” of the people. Well, where are the results. For all the talk of hope and change, they’ve brought debt, debt, and oh yeah,  a little more debt. About $2.526 trillion to be exact.
At the end of the day, we the American people are your bosses. You have been CEO, and you have failed, miserably. Now it’s our time for change. So stop trying to ostracize the Tea-Party and the Republicans. We “Conservatives” are the everyday people that are the backbone of this country. We are poor and rich, rural and urban, white-collar and blue-collar workers..
This November, it is our turn to take the country back. Yes, Paul Schied, take the country back! The Republican Party has always stood for fiscal responsibility, personal liberties, and a strong presence in the world, and we will not stop now.
Weekly Predictions:
House 235-200 for the Republicans
Senate 50-50 Split
Governors 33-17 for the Republicans
Photo credit: cnn.com

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