Look to the Governors

Forget the hype over the Congressional elections, it all comes down to the Governors. With the 2010 Census coming to an end, the Governors and State Legislatures will soon redraw Congressional districts that will be in place for the next ten years. Even more importantly, these same states represent the battleground states of ’08, and Republican leadership could help swing the White House to the GOP.

In November, Republicans have a chance of gaining up to 11 majorities in the State Legislatures and 10 Governorships according to the latest polls. Combined with a good chance of taking the U.S. House, and a close call in the U.S. Senate, there’s no question 2010 will be a big year.
But for Republicans in key states like Nevada, New Mexico, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida, the biggest seat in 2012, will be the one on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. In all, these nine states represent 122 electoral votes that all went to Obama in ‘08. If the Republicans put Republican Governors in these seats, they will open the door to major-fundraisers, get-out-the-vote efforts and volunteer lists for the GOP candidate in 2012.
So can the Republicans pull it off? Can they take control of the next ten years both at the state and federal levels? It’s up to them. Their is such a division between the so called “establishment” and the “tea-partiers,” that the GOP is literally shooting itself in the foot. In Delaware, Christine O’Donnell, the “savior” of the conservative movement, has simply allowed Democrat Chris Coons to waltz into the Capitol.
At this time in our country, the GOP needs to realize that we are a party of many. We are the social conservatives and the fiscal conservatives. We are the libertarians and, yes, we are the tea-partiers. There is nothing wrong with what we are, simply with what we do. If we as a Republican party can stand together, get behind our candidates, and bring out all our supporters in this fight, we can put an end to what we’ve experienced in the past two years. This election is too important for one candidate, this election is too important for one faction. This election is about the true Republican Party, taking this country back for the future of our children, and for the prosperity of tomorrow.
Weekly Predictions
House: 231-204 Republican
Senate: 52-48 Democrat
Governor: 30-20 Republican
Photo credit: wbur.org

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