Love / Jihad: A Valentine’s Day Special

The rate of change in Middle Eastern politics today is nearly impossible to measure. Without correspondents on the ground, it’s hard to produce any genuinely novel commentary. Valentine’s Day is the perfect occasion for a change in tone: a poetic reflection of mine set loosely in Middle Eastern history and firmly to the tune of … Read more

Funding for Abortion; Libertarian Nuances

Planned Parenthood has recently caused quite a stir in the portions of the blogosphere which classify themselves as “pro-life.” Blogger Thomas Peters has highlighted a series of undercover investigations by a pro-life group, LiveAction.  LiveAction members, disguised as pimps and sex traffickers, have produced footage demonstrating that they received offers of help from local Planned Parenthood employees … Read more

Foolish Liberal Kids

A proposed resolution in New Hampshire rallies conservative, libertarian and liberal college students around a central cause — The New Hampshire House of Representatives is currently considering House Bill 176, sponsored by Representative Gregory Sorg (R-Easton). This bill, if passed, will redefine residency, including a new section entitled “Voters Attending Institutions of Learning.” Hey, that’s … Read more

Dear Thomas Friedman: Serious In Singapore, But So What?

A word of advice, Mr. Friedman: Let Singapore be Singapore, and America be America. Last month, Thomas Friedman wrote a glowing account of governance in Singapore. This, I believe, isn’t the first time Friedman has written positively of the nanny state; given the sorry state of U.S. government nowadays, the prospect of Singaporean-style authoritarianism does appear … Read more

To AV or not to AV…

Gridlock has been the word with which to start in the Lords’ debate over the AV vote bill currently passing through parliament, which must become law by next week if the government is to meet the planned deadline for holding the referendum on the change in the system this May. The bill, if passed, is … Read more

In Defense of the Fed

The Federal Reserve is an effective institution that has historically prevented runaway inflation and repeats of the Great Depression. All opponents of the Federal Reserve, from the most reputable and rational to the most angry and sarcastic, need to step away from rhetoric and review the facts more closely. Monetary policy controlled by a knowledgeable … Read more

Drawing the Line

How the debate over terminology effects global health research and policy. The recent custody battle between actress Halle Berry and her ex-husband provides a neat example of the blurred definition of race and ethnicity in the United States. In an attempt to justify the classification of her daughter as “black,” Berry invoked the “one-drop rule” … Read more