Martin Xuereb, Malta’s Former Chief of Defense, Discusses the Refugee Crisis

During four years of Syrian civil war, over 4 million Syrians have left their countries and are currently registered as refugees in various locations: 1.9 million Syrians in Turkey, over 1 million in Lebanon, and 600,000 in Jordan among other countries. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 300,000 Syrian refugees have … Read more

A Phrase in Flux: The History of Political Correctness

Political correctness, an often-ambiguous phrase, has in recent months become a hallmark of Republican rhetoric against Democrats. Those on the right have asserted that the First Amendment rights of Americans are slowly eroding. Those on the left have responded that our diversifying society is simply becoming more tolerant and accepting.  Yet the American understanding of … Read more

Harper Lee’s Imperfect Heroes

The first set of articles to be published after Harper Lee’s new novel was released this summer were marked by the same sentiment: Atticus Finch, now a racist. Despite the huge hype surrounding the book, the New Yorker deemed Lee’s novel “a failed novel about race”. Critics reduced the novel to a “distressing narrative filled with … Read more

Winners Are Grinners

It has now been over a month since Turnbull took to Australia’s highest office. Approval ratings remain high as 63 percent of voters rate the new leader as their preferred Prime Minister and the government leads two-party preferred polls at 52 per cent to the Opposition’s 48 per cent. Turnbull’s gamble for leadership has already … Read more

Shea Serrano on Rap and Politics

Shea Serrano is a staff writer for Grantland. He recently published The Rap Year Book: The Most Important Rap Song From Every Year Since 1979, Discussed, Debated and Deconstructed, which became a New York Times best-seller this week. Harvard Political Review: In 1992 VP candidate Dan Quayle said that “2Pacalypse Now” “has no place in our … Read more

On the Move

The potential for exploitation is endemic in the current international migrant labor system. In Hong Kong, Filipina domestic workers have reported working 19-hour days and are often beaten and underpaid. In Qatar, the well-documented abuses of the kafala system enable employers to take away their South Asian migrant employees’ passports and prevent them from leaving … Read more

Feelin’ the Bern in Boston: Perspectives from the Sanders Rally

Bernie Sanders has been called many things: a socialist, an “elderly dyspeptic Bilbo Baggins,” and most recently—in the words of climate change activist and Sanders supporter Bill McKibben—a “hurricane.” Fittingly, on October 3, more than 26,000 Bostonians flooded the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center to hear to the unconventional Democratic presidential candidate speak. Walking up to the podium, … Read more

The Gulf Cooperation Council in an Evolving Middle East

From almost failed states like Yemen and the unprecedented growth of ISIS to plummeting oil prices and Iranian nuclear non-proliferation, the geopolitical landscape of the Middle East is growing increasingly complex. Under these rapidly evolving circumstances, the stability of the Gulf Cooperation Council has come under question. The GCC was established in 1981 largely as … Read more

Nicholas Carr Explores the Limits of Social Media

Nicholas Carr has written about technology, politics, and culture for The Atlantic, The Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times. His newest book The Glass Cage: How Computers Are Changing Us explores the effects of technological automation. Harvard Political Review: Do you think that the campaigns of non-political establishment candidates like Donald Trump, Ben Carson, even Kanye West are … Read more