Trump and North Korea: Looking Towards the Future

Donald Trump and Kim Jong-Un impersonators together in Hong Kong’s Victoria Park, January 2017. Following the inauguration of President Trump, North Korea immediately started to test the new U.S. administration, launching a ballistic missile during Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s visit to the United States in February, and then conducting two more rounds of missile tests … Read more

Artificial Wombs: How They Could Save Lives but Kill Abortion Rights

Recently released footage of a fetal lamb in an artificial womb sparked excitement about their possible human use. With artificial wombs, prematurely-born babies could remain in a fetus-like environment as they develop—buying them precious time to grow. Though artificial wombs constitute a victory for premature babies, they spell trouble for abortion rights. So far, the … Read more

Creating a President: Interview with Jay Connaughton

Jay Connaughton was a media advisor for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. The campaign aired eight of the thirty television spots he produced. Mr. Connaughton co-founded People Who Think, a corporate and political advertising agency. Harvard Political Review: How did you become a media advisor for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign? Jay Connaughton: Our firm has been … Read more

The New Space Race

The first Space Race saw two Cold War titans pitting their brightest scientists, most innovative engineers, and boldest explorers against each other to win minds and to assert technological dominance. The  accomplishments of the United States and the Soviet Union  made Sputnik and Apollo household names, and the sheer scale of these missions still echoes … Read more

Coming Out While Staying In

Elijah Thornburg looked out at a room filled with girls in white Polos and pleated skirts for the start of the 2014-2015 school year at Castilleja School in Palo Alto, California. Holding back tears, he announced for the first time that he would like his classmates to call him “Eli” and to refer to him … Read more

Harvard Wears Denim

On Aril 26, individuals and various student organizations, including athletic teams, single gender social groups and student government groups, came together and wore denim to raise awareness for sexual assault in recognition. Denim Day has taken place for the past eighteen years after a convicted rapist was set free thanks to a 1999 ruling by the Italian … Read more

Civic Illiteracy in America

Senate Republicans’ refusal to hold hearings for President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, was viewed by many as a dereliction of constitutional duty. His nomination was ignored for an unprecedented 293 days, ultimately leaving the court vacancy unfilled for over a year. Despite the fact that a solid majority of Americans wanted the Senate … Read more

Defeated, but Unbowed: Mélenchon and France’s Far Left

On April 23, 2017, Jean-Luc Mélenchon of the newly established, far-left La France insoumise (France Unbowed) party garnered 19.58 percent of the total vote in the first round of the French elections. Mélenchon nearly overcame Francois Fillion, the scandal-ridden candidate for one of France’s largest and oldest parties, the center-right Republicans, and decisively beat Benoit … Read more

Macron: The Anti-Establishment Centrist

Since the mainstreaming of European populist parties, the United Kingdom’s vote to leave the European Union, and Donald Trump’s ascendance to the US presidency, political onlookers have proclaimed that a new “era of populism” is set to sweep away the prevailing neoliberal world order. Across the Western world, citizens have voted to turn inwards, rejecting … Read more