Hidden Hypocrisy

“I think it’s important for us to recognize that this outrageous event underscores that it is time for peace and security to be restored in Ukraine.” In a press conference on July 18, President Barack Obama strongly condemned the senseless violence marring Ukraine, which has culminated in the deaths of 298 people aboard fallen Malaysian … Read more

Stop Calling the Border Situation a ‘Humanitarian Crisis’

The term ‘humanitarian crisis’ has been adopted by politicos of all stripes to describe the wave of unaccompanied minors flooding across the Rio Grande into the United States. That descriptor’s a shame, however, because it couldn’t be more inaccurate. Yet it’s allowing deportation advocates to claim a false moral high ground in the child migrant … Read more

A Missed Opportunity

A former member of the faculty at Yale, William Deresiewicz spends much of his most recent article discussing the “anxious, timid, and lost” student bodies of elite institutions, comprised of individuals with “little intellectual curiosity and a stunted sense of purpose.” He faults the schools that educated these individuals, admonishing them for equipping their students … Read more

Mass. Governor Interview Series: Charlie Baker

This is the second installment of the Harvard Political Review‘s interview series with Massachusetts’s candidates for governor. Charlie Baker, the likely Republican nominee, previously served as the CEO of Harvard Pilgrim Health Care. Harvard Political Review: How do you think your business experience would serve you in office? Charlie Baker: As you probably know, I spent some time … Read more

Losing Cantor

  [RICHMOND, VIRGINIA] During their June 30 meeting to elect new board positions, the members of the Henrico County Republican Committee fill less than a third of the cavernous Deep Run High School auditorium. It’s late on a Monday evening, and as the chairman drawls off the list of member names for a roll call vote, it becomes … Read more

Mass. Governor Interview Series: Don Berwick

This is the first installment of the Harvard Political Review‘s interview series with Massachusetts’s candidates for governor. Donald Berwick, one of three Democrats remaining in the race, previously served as the administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Harvard Political Review: What are Massachusetts’s most glaring problems as Governor Patrick leaves office? Don Berwick: I’d … Read more