Matters of Mismatch: The Debate Over Affirmative Action’s Effectiveness

The debate over affirmative action and race preferences in university admissions is among the most bitter and intractable in American politics. In principle, affirmative action is a straightforward case of compensatory justice. Black and Hispanic students, supporters claim, suffer from structural injustices that may cause them to perform worse than they would if they were … Read more

Matters of Mismatch: The Debate Over Affirmative Action’s Effectiveness

The debate over affirmative action and race preferences in university admissions is among the most bitter and intractable in American politics. In principle, affirmative action is a straightforward case of compensatory justice. Black and Hispanic students, supporters claim, suffer from structural injustices that may cause them to perform worse than they would if they were … Read more

Scientology and Tax Exemptions

Update (6/1/15): an earlier version of this article misattributed testimonies about Church of Scientology practices to the film Going Clear. These errors have been either removed or corrected. Academy Award-winning documentary filmmaker Alex Gibney’s latest picture Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief has stirred controversy within the Scientologist community and beyond. The film … Read more

The Head and the Body

Antiguan-American novelist Jamaica Kincaid is often described as “angry.” Kincaid is best known for her candid and overtly critical approach to themes such as colonialism, racism, and gender. In her 1988 novel A Small Place, Kincaid condemns the colonial legacy of Antigua, extends her criticism to the modern tourist industry, and even criticizes her reader. … Read more

Minds that May Matter

In a glass petri dish, a roundworm no bigger than a human hair squirms away from a droplet of acid. In a white coat above it, a researcher watches patiently, documenting the worm’s every move. And in a series of labs around the world, Dr. Stephen Larson and the OpenWorm team are trying to figure … Read more

Why Not Martin O’Malley?

On April 10, Elizabeth Warren joined Jon Stewart on The Daily Show and declared, “Powerful corporations [and] rich people have figured out that if you can bend the government to help you just a little bit, it’s a tremendous payoff, and if you can bend it to help you just a little bit more and … Read more