2020 Summer Journalism Fellows

The HPR Summer Journalism Fellowship is a new selective program that trains students in key journalistic skills to become productive members of the HPR writing community, while also equipping them to pursue careers in journalism beyond campus.

Penelope Alegria

Penelope is an incoming first-year from the Chicagoland area. She hopes to study English and Government. In her free time, she can be found either biking or playing Papa’s Freezeria.

Sofia Andrade

Sofia Andrade

Sofia is a rising sophomore in Currier House planning to pursue a joint concentration in History & Literature and Art, Film, and Visual Studies. She is a strong believer that quality journalism is essential to any democracy, and is excited to join the HPR as a Summer Journalism Fellow. Outside of the HPR, Sofia is an arts writer for The Crimson and a dancer with the Harvard-Radcliffe Modern Dance Company. She lives in Miami, FL.

Sophie Collins Arroyo

Sophie Collins Arroyo

Sophie is a rising sophomore in Pforzheimer house from Boston, MA, considering a concentration in applied math or computer science. In addition to the HPR, she is involved with the Harvard Technology Review and WICS.

Harold Peón Castro

Harold Peón Castro

Harold is an incoming first-year taking a gap year from San Juan, Puerto Rico. He’ll be spending the next academic year in Taiwan with the NSLI-Y scholarship, and is interested in pursuing Molecular Biology and Government at Harvard. Harold loves trying new things, drinking coffee, and always tries to see the glass half-full.

Caroline Choi

Caroline Choi

Caroline is an incoming first-year interested in Computer Science and Government. Outside of school, She is a climate justice activist with Extinction Rebellion and an intern with Solomon Rajput’s congressional campaign team. When not planning climate strikes or working on code, She enjoys painting street murals, eating cinnamon rolls, bike rides after sundown and writing satire.

Martha Denton

Martha Denton

Martha is a rising sophomore in Mather from Fargo, North Dakota. She studies Social Studies with a secondary in Earth and Planetary Sciences and is particularly interested in climate justice, food systems, indigenous rights, and midwestern politics. She is also an avid bread baker, knitter, language learner, and tea drinker.

Joy Ding

Joy Ding

Joy is a rising sophomore and a prospective Government and Computer Science concentrator. She’s from Needham, Massachusetts and lives in Currier House. Her love of writing drives her interest in journalism.

Nicholas Gu

Nicholas Gu

Nick is an incoming first-year who’s interested in Computer Science and Government. Outside of HPR, he enjoys playing tennis, weightlifting, and volunteering on political campaigns. He’s from Yorktown, Virginia.

Rosanna Kataja

Rosanna Kataja

Rosanna is an incoming first-year planning to explore studies in Government, Philosophy, and Social Studies. In addition to the HPR, she is planning to join The Harvard College Debate Union and Corcairdhearg Harvard College Irish Dancers as she has been a competitive Irish dancer for several years. She is an international student from Helsinki, Finland.

Maria Keselj

Maria Keselj

Maria is a rising sophomore in Lowell studying Social Studies with a secondary in Ethnicity, Migration, and Rights. Beyond the HPR, she is an editor on the Crimson Editorial Board, researches for the IOP Criminal Justice Policy group, and loves to canvass for Democratic candidates. Maria is from Halifax, Canada.

Katelyn Li

Katelyn Li

Katelyn is a rising senior in Quincy House studying Neuroscience with a secondary in Government. She leads global health initiatives on campus, serves as a news editor for The Harvard Crimson, and conducts research at the MIT McGovern Institute for Brain Research. She is originally from Southborough, Massachusetts.

Ria Modak

Ria Modak

Ria is a sophomore in Mather House studying Social Studies and South Asian Studies at Harvard and Guitar Performance at the New England Conservatory of Music. They organize with the Student Labor Action Movement and the Harvard Graduate Students Union and Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine. Ria lives in New York City.

Akila Muthukumar

Akila Muthukumar

Akila is a rising sophomore in Lowell House originally from Dallas Texas. Her interest in journalism stems from a love for writing and a desire to be more involved in political activism, especially on campus. She hopes to concentrate in HDRB and English. Outside of classes, she’s been involved with CrimsonEMS, various PBHA service opportunities and the South Asian community via dance teams, faith based groups and Ghungroo.

Sruthi Palanaippan

Sruthi Palanaippan

Sruthi is an outgoing senior in Winthrop House studying Government with a secondary in Educational Studies. On campus, she served as President of the Undergraduate Council, as a student-teacher for Harvard CIVICS, Academic/Political Chair of the Harvard South Asian Association, and choreographed Bollywood dances annually for Ghungroo — Harvard’s largest student-run production. She hails from Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Charlotte Powell

Charlotte Powell

Charlotte Powell, a physics concentrator in Leverett, enjoys the simpler things in life — bike rides on the Charles, reading Salman Rushdie, and giant Excel spreadsheets. In the past, Charlotte has written at the intersections of art and technology and hails from the confusingly pronounced Quincy, Massachusetts.

Noah Secondo

Noah Secondo

Noah is a rising junior in Dunster House studying History and Romance Languages & Literatures. Outside of the HPR, he serves as the Campaigns Director for the Harvard College Democrats and Co-Director of the Environmental Action Committee. He is from East Longmeadow in Western Massachusetts.

Jack K Silvers

Jack K Silvers

Jack is an incoming first-year who will be leaving his hometown of Scarsdale, New York in the fall (hopefully) to join the Class of 2024. He plans to concentrate in some mixture of Government and Neuroscience, and credits his newfound interest in journalism to his love for reading The Economist. He’s very excited to become part of the HPR team!

Christian Tabash

Christian Tabash

Christian is a senior in Lowell House studying government. He is a varsity rower on the Harvard Men’s Heavyweight Crew Team and an organizer with Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine, the Harvard College Palestine Solidarity Committee, and the Harvard College Young Democratic Socialists of America. A Washington DC native, Christian enjoys playing pick-up soccer and pick-up basketball, and playing the piano.

Sami Turner

Sami Turner

Sami Turner (she/her/hers) is an incoming first-year considering a concentration in government or history. She is originally from Lawrence, KS. When she’s not writing Sami enjoys drinking loads of coffee and doing freelance graphic design.

Jack Richard Walker

Jack Richard Walker

My name is Jack Walker and I’m an incoming freshman from Frederick, Maryland. I plan in concentrating in mechanical engineering, although I also would like to explore in the fields of international relations, chemistry, economics, and history if given the opportunity. In turn, I believe journalism will help me explain my interests while connecting me to new ones. Moreover, the ability to write, and to write powerfully, will always be crucial to bringing about ideas—as I hope to do with sustainable technology. Lastly, I’ll also be part of Air Force ROTC at Harvard as I pursue a commission into the US Air Force.

Minjue Wu

Minjue Wu

Minjue Wu is a rising junior in Adams House studying History and Science and Global Health/Health Policy, focusing on medical innovations and development economics. Outside of HPR, she pens for the International Review and The Crimson, conducts neuroscience research, and is heavily involved in nonprofit work. Minjue loves all things boba, figure skating, and data science. She hails from Bengbu, China.

Skyler Wu

Skyler Wu

Skyler is an incoming first-year intending on studying Engineering Sciences and Government as a joint concentration. He is very interested in science diplomacy, the practice of using scientific collaboration to address pressing global problems and bring countries together. His hometown is San Diego, California.