About Red Line

Red Line is the Harvard Political Review’s online platform housing long-form, investigative journalism written by some of our top staff writers. Each semester, a small cohort of writers is chosen to participate in the Red Line Fellowship, through which they participate in a series of workshops and pursue challenging, high-level projects for the duration of the term. The projects involve extensive interview exploration as well as a variety of multimedia supplements, showcasing some of our best work in data visualization, design, photography, and podcast journalism. We welcome you to explore our features on the main page — enjoy!

2020 Spring Fellows

Sarah Deonarain ’23
Winona Guo ’22
Annelisa Kingsbury Lee ’22
Srividya Maganti ’22
Nidal Morrison ’23
Meena Venkataramanan ’21

For comments and inquiries, please contact Managing Editor and Fellowship Director Mari Bothner at marianbothner@college.harvard.edu.