Latin America’s Tarnished Crown Jewel

On February 17, 2014, a defiant man brandishing the Venezuelan flag marched, restrained by military personnel, through the streets of the nation’s capital. The man was Leopoldo Lopez, the country’s opposition party leader and the face at the forefront of Venezuela’s anti-Maduro protests. He was shoved into a government van amongst fervent screams and fists … Read more

A Murky Situation: Harvard’s Investment in Petrobras

By investigating Harvard’s direct investments, Democracy Matters and Divest Harvard sought to illuminate the values implicit within Harvard’s investment in certain corporations, and how the political activities of those corporations might create discomfort among members of the Harvard community. Given this particular emphasis, Harvard’s investment in Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. Petrobras, more commonly known as Petrobras, … Read more

Going Dark: Who is Our Enemy?

If you leave your backdoor open, you’re letting anyone in. Now, the United States government is asking technology companies to build them a backdoor to American communication technologies. Such a door would allow the government to bypass the security of American devices to access all of our data. With the click of a button, our … Read more

Former Coworkers too Busy to Meet Up, Talk Politics

An unconfirmed photograph of Senator Sanders’ criminally underused garden bench   Former Senator Hillary Clinton appeared dispirited last week following a days-long attempt to coordinate a time to meet up with her former colleague, Senator Bernie Sanders, for a casual chat about politics and the events of the day. Sanders reached out to his former … Read more

To Be or Not to Be? Millennials’ Complicated Issue with Identity

The Harvard Public Opinion project ran an experiment. HPOP asked half of the respondents questions about –isms such as, “Do you support socialism?” In all, HPOP asked about socialism, capitalism, progressivism, patriotism, feminism, and social justice activism. The other half of respondents got similar questions like, “Do you identify as a socialist?” On the whole, … Read more

Republican Party Is Pushing Away Potential Millennial Voters

The Republican Party is losing the battle for the millennial vote. With the number of young Americans continually growing—and having exceeded that of the Baby Boomer generation in 2015—Millennials are gaining political power. Fueled by the misconception that young Americans will automatically align themselves with the Democratic Party as soon as they reach voting age, … Read more

Millennials and Multilateralism

People between the ages of 18 and 29 appear to have complicated views about multilateral institutions and their ability to act in the international sphere according to Harvard Public Opinion Project’s Spring 2016 Poll. For example, only about 37 percent of respondents in this age group trust the United Nations to do “the right thing” … Read more

Many Millennials Believe Justice System Racially Biased

The names Sandra Bland, Eric Garner, and Tamir Rice have entered the public vocabulary in the past several years. They usually accompany a painful, yet necessary, discussion of police violence against black Americans. Such discussions have called the integrity of the police corps into question. According to the Spring 2016 Harvard Public Opinion Project poll, … Read more