The Future of Iran

In recent months, international attention on Iran has shifted from 
the usual fear and disapproval of its policies to an attitude of hopeful intrigue. In the months between President Hassan Rouhani’s election in June and the much-publicized phone call between Rouhani and President Obama on September 27, concerns over Iran seemed to subside. Iran has … Read more

Art on Demand

One of StoryTellerBob’s best works is a short story entitled “Ten Years.” In 7,000 words, the author grapples with the problem of what it might be like to relive a decade
 of one’s life, and the twist at the end is akin to what one might see in a Borges or Poe tale. Yet StoryTellerBob … Read more

Syria Deadline Will Be Missed

On December 28, The United Nations and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons announced that the December 31 deadline for complete destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons will not be met. Citing “a number of external factors,” the announcement by the UN and the OPCW signals a failure of the international community to meet a … Read more

Peter Hamby: CNN Digital’s National Political Reporter

Peter Hamby currently serves as a national political reporter for CNN Digital. Hamby was the network’s reporter-at-large during the 2012 election cycle. Harvard Political Review: There’s a common perception that Fox News is on the right, MSNBC on the left, and CNN somewhere in the middle. Have you seen the network responding to those attitudes? … Read more

The Spies of New York

In the wake of Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, and the NSA surveillance scandal, it is clear that the front lines
 of the War on Terror are as domestic as they are foreign. Enemies Within: Inside the NYPD’s Secret Spying Unit and Bin Laden’s Final Plot Against America, an exposé by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists Matt Apuzzo … Read more

Portion Problem

The Psychology of Obesity and America’s Portion Problem The 21st century “obesity epidemic” has long been an issue conveyed in foreboding figures: The American Heart Association places the count of overweight and obese Americans at 23.9 million children and 154.2 million adults. A recent United Nations Food and Agricultural report ranks the U.S. behind only … Read more

Phil Robertson and Religion in the Workplace

The relationship between an employee and his company is often extraordinarily complicated. In theory, it should be simple: The employee wants money, and the company wants a job done. But when the company is dissatisfied and wants to either terminate or discipline its employee, things quickly get complicated. At first, it might seem that the … Read more