Attack Dogs

It only took 60 seconds of footage to make the message clear: “The stakes are too high for you to stay home.” American voters were responsible for protecting the angelic toddler counting daisy petals against a full-blown nuclear crisis — and, by implication, a Goldwater presidency. According to the ad, Americans could only do one … Read more

The Concept of Contraception: Is It Equal Access?

Despite being one of the most natural human acts, sex is anything but natural when it comes to contraceptives. Currently, the political climate surrounding contraceptives is strained — there remains no constant flow of dialogue surrounding their usage in popular media. Accompanied by the Trump Administration’s differing opinions as opposed to those from the Obama … Read more

When Health Becomes a Hashtag

At first glance, my Instagram account and Lee Tilghman’s are not all that different. We’re both amateur chefs. We both like to write about our travels. We like to eat new foods and try new products. But while I share my posts with around 500 followers, mostly friends and family, Lee has an ever-growing audience … Read more

Hoosier Politics: An Interview with Christina Hale

Christina Hale is currently the executive director of Kiwanis Youth Programs. She is a regular panelist on IN Focus, a show discussing Indiana politics. In 2016, she was the Democratic nominee for lieutenant governor. She has previously served in the Indiana House of Representatives. Harvard Political Review: After the midterm elections, Republicans hold all statewide … Read more

How Harvard Is Failing its Asian-American Students

 In light of the recent case by Students for Fair Admissions against Harvard, known colloquially on campus as the “affirmative action case,” Harvard’s treatment of Asian-American students and other students of color have come under heightened scrutiny. SFFA attorney Edward Blum has intentionally conflated race-conscious admissions with discrimination against Asian and Asian-American applicants by admissions … Read more

Beyond the Classroom

The spacious, collaborative space gleams with ergonomic chairs and large windows. Groups cluster at various tables, working on projects like monitoring water quality, creating educational video games, and increasing Wi-Fi accessibility. Other small groups plan for meetings with local leaders and businesses that they will be in contact with over the course of a project. … Read more

The Weight of the Win

When it comes to football, size matters. Big players dominate the playing field, partly because they can tackle better and take hits more easily. According to former Green Bay Packer Jim Brown, being bigger helps “with strength and power — the ability to handle bigger guys across the line of scrimmage.” But even beyond performance, football culture … Read more

Pornography and Prejudice

In October 2009, Parliament member David Bahati vocalized Uganda’s long history of homophobia by proposing a bill that imposed the death penalty as punishment for anyone engaging in same-sex relations. Bahati introduced the bill, which was signed by the President and passed into law in 2013, in an attempt to “protect the cherished culture of … Read more

Reclaiming Culture: Jordan’s Young Artists

Thursday nights are a time for celebration in Jordan, as people across the country celebrate the end of the workweek. Their cars blare music, but the beats and lyrics largely sound the same, blending together into a sea of generic pop songs. The streets are devoid of art, instead littered with billboards and unadorned concrete. … Read more