Gary Gerbrandt on Government Shutdown

In a recent post for Dem Apples (the Harvard College Democrats’ official blog), Gary Gerbrandt excitedly writes about the current budget negotiations between President Obama and Republican leadership. Although he holds both parties accountable, Gerbrandt especially blames the Republicans’ “nothing-but-tax-cuts policy” for stalling progress. He concludes by alluding to the significant Democratic victories following the … Read more

Alexander R. Konrad on Berlusconi and Political Sex Scandals

In a recent piece for The Crimson, Alexander R. Konrad delves into the Berlusconi sex scandal. Konrad suggests that “Berlusconi appears confident that his persona is simply too big to fail,” but that “such in-your-face flippancy about his situation would prove disastrous in American politics.” Konrad compares the prevailing attitudes in Italy and the United … Read more

Adam Kern on Academic Government and its Pretensions

Adam Kern, in a recent piece for The Harvard Political Review, analyzes the academic nature of the Obama presidency. Quoting Obama’s desire to have an “academically approved” health care plan, Kern questions the legitimacy of founding authority on such expertise. Drawing upon the philosopher Alasdaire MacIntyre, who was similarly wary of basing leadership on academics, … Read more

Why Marx Was Droll

In his latest book, Why Marx Was Right, British cultural critic and academic Terry Eagleton seeks to refute what he sees as the ten most common arguments against Karl Marx and his doctrines. In the process, he provides an introduction to Marx’s ideas that is readily accessible to readers, due in no small part to … Read more

Swanee Hunt

Harvard Political Review: What can we do to encourage more women to run for elected office? Amb. Swanee Hunt: The great diversity year of 2008 saw the number of women in Congress only increase from 16 percent to 17 percent. This past year, we went down for the first time in twenty years. If one … Read more

Paul Schied on Libya and American Leadership

Paul Schied of The Harvard Political Review takes the recent US bombings Libya as an opportunity to reveal important aspects of American leadership abroad. Combining his perspectives on Obama’s recent speech on Libya, Congressman Barney Frank’s lecture at Pforzheimer House, and a discussion with HKS Professor Emeritus Marvin Kalb, Schied delves into the intricacies of … Read more

Maya Jonas-Silver on Speakers Draw Ire, Protests

In a recent article for The Crimson, Maya Jonas-Silver describes the controversy surrounding the recent Social Transformation Conference held at Harvard. The event, which especially garnered criticism from LGBT student organizations, featured multiple individuals who had made “inflammatory” statements in their pasts. Some attendees, however, disagreed with this criticism and praised the power of the speakers’ messages. … Read more