Spotlight on Planned Parenthood

The Republican-led 112th Congress began the legislative session with what many liberals characterized as a “war against women” which ranged from an attempt to redefine rape as “forcible rape” to a push to eliminate all federal funding for family planning services. A renewed effort to limit access to reproductive health services has fired up legislators, … Read more

O Brother, Where Art Thou?

In Griswold v. Connecticut, Justice Hugo Black began his opinion with “I agree with my Brother Stewart’s dissenting opinion.” Throughout the opinion, Black used the term “brother” over 15 times when referring to his colleagues. This practice was completely normal until Sandra Day O’Connor joined the Court. Josh Blackman, Co-Founder of the Harlan Institute, told … Read more

Modern Slavery

The International Labor Organization estimates that 12.3 million people have been trafficked around the world. Forty-three percent of these victims are used for forced commercial sexual exploitation, of which 98 percent are women and girls. Thirty-two percent of victims are used for forced economic exploitation, of which 56 percent are women and girls. Women are … Read more