Can Women Have It All?
Seven HPR writers discuss and critique Anne-Marie Slaughter’s article, “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All”
Seven HPR writers discuss and critique Anne-Marie Slaughter’s article, “Why Women Still Can’t Have It All”
A large percentage of Arab, and mostly Lebanese, emigrants can be attributed to an exodus at the turn of the nineteenth century leading to places as far as Australia and the Americas. Prior to colonial rule in the Middle East and North Africa, economic depression governed, famine occasionally struck, and the inability of the “sick … Read more
The Arab Spring and the ongoing conflict in Syria have prompted discussions of authority, democracy and legitimate governance. The many proponents of democratization appeal to human rights as established in international law to further their cause. That is, given that international law affords every person certain inalienable rights, such as freedom of speech and conscience, … Read more
In 1200 B.C., the Zoroastrians fled Iran with the fall of the Persian Empire, carrying with them the symbolic fire of the faith. When they arrived at Surat, Gujarat, the Zoroastrians sought refuge from the ruling king. Reluctantly, the ruler of the Indian kingdom brought forth a glass of milk, filled to the brim, demonstrating … Read more
The HPR is staffed by Harvard College students from across the political spectrum, and seeks to provide thoughtful analysis of important issues in campus, domestic, and world politics. In addition to being a quarterly periodical and web publication, the HPR is a platform for political thought, and so from time to time publishes work from … Read more
The HPR is staffed by Harvard College students from across the political spectrum, and seeks to provide thoughtful analysis of important issues in campus, domestic, and world politics. In addition to being a quarterly periodical and web publication, the HPR is a platform for political thought, and so from time to time publishes work from … Read more
The HPR is staffed by Harvard College students from across the political spectrum, and seeks to provide thoughtful analysis of important issues in campus, domestic, and world politics. In addition to being a quarterly periodical and web publication, the HPR is a platform for political thought, and so from time to time publishes work from … Read more
The HPR is staffed by Harvard College students from across the political spectrum, and seeks to provide thoughtful analysis of important issues in campus, domestic, and world politics. In addition to being a quarterly periodical and web publication, the HPR is a platform for political thought, and so from time to time publishes work from … Read more
As my research in Israel on philosophical issues surrounding military conscription progresses, I have begun to reflect on my experiences thus far. One particular idea that I have repeatedly encountered in both my research and everyday conversations with Israelis is the role that the military service plays in forming the bonds that underlie Israeli society. … Read more
The United States holds over 400,000 immigrants each year in detention centers and county jails, and since 2003 Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has held primary responsibility for investigating immigration issues and detaining and deporting immigrants. While national debate ensues about comprehensive immigration reform, the conditions and costs of the vast detention network has garnered … Read more