The Beginning of a “Maggie Williams Era”?

While any leadership change should shepherd in an exciting period of anticipation and buzz surrounding the potential of the new leader, the appointment of Maggie Williams to the directorship of the Institute of Politics this Thursday is particularly significant. As an African-American woman, Williams is the first person of color and only the second woman … Read more

Behind the Curtains: The Pros and Cons of Publicizing Politicians’ Private Lives

Perhaps one of the most fascinating political and cultural disparities between the United States and many other places in the world is the way in which the public treats the private lives of its leaders. The degree of importance that people and media seem to give to public representatives’ private affairs varies tremendously from place … Read more

A Response to "Redefining Anorexia"

The recently published article entitled “Redefining Anorexia” challenges readers to expand their understanding of the causes behind the eating disorder. Indeed, as the author suggests, the roots of anorexia reach far beyond our cultural obsession with body image. The overwhelming urge for control, the obsession with being the “best” – these, too, are crucial components … Read more

Who Owns the ‘Redskins’?

In 1932, a money-minded showman named George Preston Marshall bought a team called the Boston Braves in the young, developing National Football League (NFL). His second head coach hired in his second year of ownership—the team began the tradition of new blood under the headset each season much longer ago than many believe—was a man … Read more

Who Owns the ‘Redskins’?

In 1932, a money-minded showman named George Preston Marshall bought a team called the Boston Braves in the young, developing National Football League (NFL). His second head coach hired in his second year of ownership—the team began the tradition of new blood under the headset each season much longer ago than many believe—was a man … Read more

In Defense of Climate Change

Two new studies by researchers at the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication could dramatically change the way politicians and activists on both sides of the table talk about climate change (or global warming). The first survey established that, while Americans are equally familiar with the terms global warming and climate change, 45 percent say they … Read more

Clash of the Titans: Abe, Kuroda, and the Fight for the Japanese Economy

First elected in 2006, Mr. Abe, at age 52, was Japan’s youngest Prime Minister since 1941, but he faced a plethora of troubles during his initial tenure. His Agricultural Minister, Toshikatsu Matsuoka, committed suicide after he was connected to the misappropriation of government funds. Matsuoka’s replacement, Norihiko Akagi, resigned two months later due to similar … Read more