Young Americans Won’t Budge on Social Issues and Immigration

The defining issues of the 2016 election are already emerging with individuals indicating which issues prove most important to them. According to the spring 2015 Harvard Public Opinion Project poll, social issues and immigration appear to be the most crucial issues for young voters going into the 2016 election. Twenty-one percent of respondents stated that … Read more

Young Americans’ Growing Distrust of Science

The growing distrust among Americans towards scientists and their work is well documented. In an era in which scientific output doubles nearly every nine years, it is hard for even trained professionals to keep up with the latest scientific breakthroughs and developments in their own field, let alone in separate fields. The amount of research … Read more

Strong Support for President Obama’s Free Community College Plan

Under President Obama’s America’s College Promise Proposal, students who maintain a 2.5 GPA while attending community college at least part time towards a degree will have their tuition waived. The White House estimates this program could benefit nine million students. According to the spring 2015 survey by the Harvard Public Opinion Project, a majority of … Read more

#HarvardYouthPoll: Analyzing Harvard’s Spring 2015 Poll of Young Americans

Every fall and spring, the Harvard Public Opinion Project (HPOP) releases America’s largest poll of young people. The poll usually gets a great deal of national coverage. Unfortunately, much of this coverage only goes skin deep, highlighting the supposed apathy of young people in America and our cynicism about the future of politics. This project, a partnership between HPOP … Read more

Pushing Back: Spain’s Rightward Shift on Abortion

Seldom does a law concerning fewer than 500 people elicit as much controversy as did Spain’s reform of its 2010 Organic Law on Voluntary Pregnancy Interruption, passed by Congress on April 15. The amendment requires that the legal guardians of all underage women seeking an abortion give consent prior to the procedure. This may seem … Read more

Let Them Eat Fish: Why Food Stamp Restrictions Are a Bad Idea

What should poor people be allowed to eat? That is apparently one of the most burning questions on the minds of some lawmakers. Republican Missouri State Representative Rick Brattin recently sponsored a bill proposing that recipients of food stamps under SNAP, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, not be allowed to use their benefits to buy … Read more

Jacob Tobia and the Next Frontier in LGBT Advocacy

Jacob Tobia is an advocate for gender nonconforming, genderqueer, and transgender people. Tobia currently works for Out Leadership, an advising firm that partners leaders across industries to promote LGBT equality. Harvard Political Review: You’ve spoken with many different audiences and student groups. Let’s say you’re speaking with a group of people who are less familiar … Read more