The Role of Provocative Speech

Recently, there has been considerable discourse surrounding the issue of free speech on college campuses. The most vocal participants in the conversation have crystallized into two extremes. One contingent feverishly offers up shocking examples of censorship in dire-sounding Atlantic op-eds, triumphantly assailing a supposed monolith of liberal PC anti-speech millennials. The other extreme militarily and … Read more

The Power of the Pitch

Along with the perks that come with becoming the leader of the free world, President Trump will most likely be given the opportunity to throw the first pitch at a baseball game. After all, every sitting president since William Howard Taft has thrown out a first pitch. The idea for the presidential first pitch emerged … Read more

The Court and the People

“No matter whether the country follows the flag or not, the Supreme Court follows the election returns,” wrote the Chicago humorist and author Finley Peter Dunne in 1901. More than a century later, many legal scholars and historians take Dunne’s famous quip—which identified a relationship between Supreme Court decisions and popular opinion—as gospel. There has … Read more

A Modern Choice on Life

In 1939, a bill was placed before Congress seeking to allow 20,000 Jewish refugee children into America to escape the horrors of the Holocaust. In a flurry of America-first sentiment, the bill died on the Senate floor, and the would-be refugees were left to their fate. Seventy-one years to date after the largest Nazi death … Read more

Battle Lines: Bipartisanship in the Age of Trump

In the age of Trump, unlikely bipartisanship has blossomed. Ever since President Trump’s shocking victory last November, he has shown no signs of giving up his raucous and bombastic style, much to the dismay of his opponents and some of his supporters. In addition, his administration has become embroiled in a series of embarrassing PR … Read more

Views from the Women’s March on Washington

The Trump presidency has been characterized by popular dissent since its debut. As early as January 21, protesters at the Women’s March on Washington were ready to keep their momentum going for the next four years. HPR’s multimedia team was on the ground to provide an inside look at the day’s events. Many protesters used words … Read more

The Coddling of the Republican Mind

“Such a nasty woman.” During the third and final Presidential debate, Donald Trump uttered this gendered quip, in an attempt to undermine Clinton’s proposals on Social Security. The comment was far from a brief slip-up—Trump based much of his campaign on personal attacks and insults, widely condemned as overtly racist, misogynistic, or otherwise bigoted. However, … Read more