Harvard Should Fix Its Gender Gap

  Harvard College’s Math 55a is known for being difficult and time-consuming. Its students must be talented, capable, and willing to put in endless hours per week to complete fiendishly difficult problem sets. This year, they share another trait: they are all male. This is just one sign of a gender balance problem that has … Read more

Pawns in a Gambit

Wafa Idris was the first of her kind in modern Palestine. She was featured on the cover of Time magazine at the young age of 28. Saddam Hussein ordered a memorial erected in her honor in one of Baghdad’s central squares. Newspapers in Egypt, Jordan, and London praised her courage. Women named their daughters after … Read more

Daryl Davis on Reaching out to the KKK

Daryl Davis is a race relations expert and author of Klan-Destine Relationships, a non-fiction book which chronicles his outreach efforts to Ku Klux Klan members. Harvard Political Review: You have a pretty phenomenal story. What motivated you to reach out to the Ku Klux Klan? Daryl Davis: It was a combination of things. As a … Read more

Caught Red-Handed: Political Diversity at Harvard

Harvard College’s mission statement reads: “Harvard strives to create knowledge, to open the minds of students to that knowledge, and to enable students to take best advantage of their educational opportunities. To these ends, the College encourages students to respect ideas and their free expression, and to rejoice in discovery and in critical thought. …” … Read more

First in the Nation!

[LETTER FROM COÖS COUNTY] Coös County in the frosty, bumpy, northernmost spit of New Hampshire could hardly feel more remote, and yet every four years, for one festive, honky-tonk evening, it finds itself smack-dab in the middle of the political universe. Thanks to quirks in the Granite State’s voting laws—themselves the product of a unique … Read more