Give Paul a Chance

In summer 2008, I took part in the overheated swarm of high school students at programs in DC, studying U.S. foreign policy by day and arguing with pasty-faced Wilsonians by night. On an outing to Capitol Hill, I headed to the Cannon House Office Building, following the crowd wisdom that Representative Ron Paul (R-TX) would … Read more

A Strong Response

One of the benefits of living with people who make their academic homes in seven different Harvard departments is that you get some pretty interesting tidbits that you wouldn’t hear otherwise. My music major roommate, for instance, recently sent an email to our email list:  Just realized this: the music in Rick Perry’s new anti-gay … Read more

President Obama’s Congress Problem

 Recently, I saw a clip of Chris Matthews grumbling at the state of the Obama Presidency. Matthews was expressing frustration at a perceived lack of communication between the president and Congress, and I think he’s on to something. Barack Obama came into office with everything going for him – a clear voter mandate, concrete plans, … Read more

Rick Perry’s Rise and Fall

The Texas Governor Won’t Be the GOP Nominee The day he announced his candidacy, Rick Perry was the darling of the Republican Party. The Texas governor quickly galloped to the top of national polls, seemingly emerging as the ideal conservative challenger to President Obama. After months of lamenting the GOP field as insufficiently conservative or … Read more

Looking At The Likes

Four months and one egregiously elitist Shakespeare reference ago, I wrote an article summing up the results of a curious sort-of-study on candidate’s “like” numbers on Facebook – basically, I took candidates’ like numbers from before and after a week and made some superficial observations based on unscientific data. Nevertheless, four months later, I thought … Read more