Immigration: X-Factor in Tight California Governor’s Race?

What do you get when you mix celebrity attorney Gloria Allred, an illegal immigrant housekeeper, and the former CEO of eBay? Apparently, the 2010 California governor’s race. Last Wednesday, Nikki Diaz Santillan made headlines by voicing through attorney Gloria Allred (yes, the one who represented Tiger Wood’s mistress Rachel Uchitel last fall) that her former … Read more

Corporate Environmental Responsibility

In 2006, an article in Reason magazine declared an age of “corporate environmentalism.” Reason attributes part of the rise of corporate environmentalism to independent environmental groups. Since the administration of George W. Bush was seen as hostile to their goals, the article suggests, groups shifted their lobbying efforts to corporations. The recent expansion of corporate … Read more

Look to the Governors

Forget the hype over the Congressional elections, it all comes down to the Governors. With the 2010 Census coming to an end, the Governors and State Legislatures will soon redraw Congressional districts that will be in place for the next ten years. Even more importantly, these same states represent the battleground states of ’08, and … Read more

Ukraine’s Soul Search

Exactly eleven months ago yesterday I sat on a bus rattling its way through countryside on my way to L’viv, an artistic, cobblestone city in the western half of Ukraine. As I gazed out the window, I watched as petite houses dotted the rural landscape where old babcias tended their gardens and teenagers waited for the bus … Read more

A Shadow Falls On The Empire of the Sun

In his landmark book, The Clash Of Civilizations and the Remaking of the World Order, Samuel Huntington made the following prediction: East Asia could develop any one of several patterns of international relations in the twenty-first century. A major power, multipolar international system could take shape with China, Japan, the United States, Russia and possibly … Read more

An Open Letter to Senator Scott Brown

Dear Senator Brown, The Harvard Crimson today reported that you have begun a petition asking Harvard to allow ROTC, The Reserve Officers’ Training Corps, back on campus.  Your petition is misguided, Senator.  The only person who can bring ROTC back to Harvard is you. Harvard University has a standing non-discrimination policy.  No group that discriminates … Read more

Obama’s Conflicts

Bob Woodward’s book, Obama’s War, hit shelves this week amidst turf wars in the White House between war advisors and political advisers. This is wholly appropriate. While the book paints Obama as a strategic war president, a man dedicated to closely considering all strategies before independently creating his own policy, the book’s main aftershock is to impress … Read more

Moderate Republicans: The Hidden Contingent

The phrase “Moderate Republican” just sounds silly. Republicans aren’t supposed to be moderate. If they were, they wouldn’t be Republicans at all. To Republicans, moderateness is not just an embarrassing admission of weakness, it’s a sign of petty treason. If any of your GOP friends start leaning towards the center, intervene immediately; they are a … Read more