No Alternatives for Merkel

In the span of three years, the Alternative for Germany has grown from a small group of Eurosceptic malcontents into a far-right populist party in a position to undermine Chancellor Merkel’s coalition government. Founded in 2013, the party’s anti-bailout and anti-euro platform initially garnered minimal electoral success. However, the party’s anti-eurozone ideology and desire for … Read more

Fear Itself

German Chancellor Angela Merkel frequently used the slogan “wir schaffen das” (we can handle it) to summarize why Germany was allowing so many migrants to cross its borders. However, Germans are becoming increasingly skeptical of their ability to do so. Additionally, certain nations have actively refused to receive refugees. Denmark, for example, went so far … Read more

Authoritarian Abuse in Eritrea

There is an overlooked refugee and humanitarian crisis occurring in Eritrea, a nation born from decades of struggle to gain independence from Ethiopia. Africa’s second-newest state receives little aid from Western governments and focus from media, despite being one of the largest sources of refugees globally. Isaias Afwerki, a guerrilla leader in the fight for … Read more

A Populist Shift

“We can do it.” With these words German chancellor Angela Merkel famously refused to close the country’s borders. In rejecting the xenophobic sentiments that led to immigration caps in other countries, Merkel made Germany a bastion of hope for many of those still waiting at the borders of Europe. It was not only the German … Read more

Yes, Colin Kaepernick is a Patriot.

Anyone paying attention to both parties’ national conventions this year could easily see that patriotism has manifested itself differently this election cycle. Indeed, the Democrats seem to have laid claim to that boisterous love of country one would generally associate with the Republican Party. After three nights of flag-waving, “U-S-A” chants, and speeches from the … Read more

To Love America is to Recognize Its Flaws

Undisputedly, America is one of the most patriotic countries on earth. According to the Pew Research Center, 90 percent of Americans identify as “very patriotic” while 62 percent of Americans display the flag at home, at work, or on their cars. Gallup found that approximately 80 percent of Americans celebrate the 4th of July, the … Read more

Who Owns the Word “America”?

During this year’s NFL preseason, Colin Kaepernick, a relatively obscure quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers refused to stand up for the national anthem as a protest against police brutality. The media latched on to the story, but for all the wrong reasons. The debate quickly became not about what Kaepernick was trying to accomplish—an … Read more

The Party of the Common Defense

From the end of the Second World War, the Republican Party has enjoyed an advantage from the perception that they, not Democrats, are the strongest party on national defense. The foreign policy acumen of presidents such as Dwight Eisenhower and Richard Nixon, when contrasted with the challenges faced by Lyndon Johnson or Jimmy Carter, bore … Read more