Moscow, Central Asia & Going Home

There’s a little place in Upstate NY, nestled along one of the most pristine 17-mile-long Finger Lakes (the seventh cleanest lake in the world, in fact), surrounded by woods and farmland beyond that, dotted with lake cottages, a few still relying on outdoor “plumbing,” where everyone fears the onset of hydrofracking. There, you won’t find … Read more

Interning at Obama for America

This summer, enveloped in a campaign cycle largely defined by cynicism and triviality, I re-learned to love politics. In fact, interning at the national headquarters of President Obama’s re-election campaign for the past few months was the most amazing opportunity I didn’t think I wanted. As the Republican primaries passed and the general election race … Read more

France’s Neighbors to the South

The United States’ relationship with the Arab world might be described as “involved,” “turbulent,” and largely focused on the Middle East. France, however, has a very different relationship with the Arab world centered on the Maghreb, the North African Arab nations consisting of Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria. I saw the unique interaction between the French … Read more

Congressional Term Limits

I spent two months this past summer interning on Capitol Hill for my Congressman, Rep. Gus Bilirakis. This immersion into the central artery of our nation’s government provided much more than the opportunity to field phone calls, sort mail and give Capitol tours. It yielded invaluable insight into the mystical world of the legislative branch, … Read more

Chinese Characteristics

Not surprisingly, my two-month summer internship at China Universal Asset Management deepened my understanding of Chinese financial markets and the Chinese economy at large. But as I sifted through market analyses and examined the client potential of foreign investors, more poignant questions were often on my mind. Surely this – a market economy driven by … Read more

Breathing Bollywood

I’ve grown up introducing myself as the girl from Bombay, India. I’m entirely used to having to dispel the notions many people have about what it means to live in the subcontinent. No. I don’t own a cow. But yes, there are cows in the streets sometimes. No, not everyone is a Hindu. Yes, people … Read more

60 Minutes in 10 Weeks

Most of what I did this summer is confidential, that is, at least until the time the shows I worked on actually hit the air. Still, while working at CBS News’ “60 Minutes” I did engage in some interesting discussions about ethics and practice. Aptly, I was following HBO’s The Newsroom during my internship. A … Read more

Mitt’s Turnaround? I Think Not

Governor Christie’s claim that we’ll see a massive turnaround in the race after the first debate on Wednesday seems hyperbolic at best. Reports from the Romney camp in Boston certainly indicate that Governor Romney has been preparing feverishly for these debates – as well he should. Nevertheless, at this stage in the game, President Obama … Read more