A Stable Afghanistan

Ten years into the war, Afghanistan is still floundering. The Karzai administration that had seemed so promising in 2003 has fallen prey to domestic pressures and has moved towards reconciliation with the Taliban, inviting his “dear brothers” into the government. The Taliban, if integrated, would likely tighten their chokehold on a country they already control … Read more

Limited Victory

It’s not a surprise that the war in Afghanistan has lasted ten years and that even after bin Laden’s death, we cannot say it has truly been won. That’s because the U.S. went into Afghanistan with an awkward coalition and a mishmash of aims (counter-terrorism, women’s rights, human rights, oil), without all key players completely on board … Read more

Hearts and Minds

After a decade in Afghanistan, the U.S. needs cut its losses and start to reduce it’s involvement in Central Asia. In the wake of Karzai’s declaration of siding with Pakistan in the event of a U.S.-Pakistan war, it’s more than apparent that even the people who are nominally on ‘our side’ aren’t exactly full-throated American allies. … Read more