Perspectives on Stillman

This morning at 2 AM, Harvard University Health Services Director Paul Berreira circulated an email announcing that HUHS will no longer offer in-person urgent care or overnight infirmary services. As Berreira explains it, the move should free up resources to allow “increased access to same-day appointments and other services.” In this piece, four HPR writers offer their … Read more

#HarvardYouthPoll: Analyzing Harvard’s Fall 2014 Poll of Young Americans

Every fall and spring, the Harvard Public Opinion Project (HPOP) releases America’s largest poll of young people. The poll usually gets a great deal of national coverage. Unfortunately, much of this coverage only goes skin deep, highlighting the supposed apathy of young people in America and our cynicism about the future of politics. This project, a partnership between HPOP … Read more

Ten Years of Arcade Fire’s Funeral

On September 14th, 2004, when Arcade Fire’s Funeral was released, most of this magazine’s writers had barely entered middle school. We each had our unique experiences of discovering the album—some first heard the songs over the speakers of their older siblings’ CD players, others at high school parties, and some only in college at the rabid … Read more

Scotland Decides

On the street, in restaurants, theaters, pubs and households, one subject dominates the conversation in Scotland: the upcoming independence referendum. It has sparked more political engagement among the Scottish people than has ever been seen before. It’s an issue that is dividing families and coming between friends. On September 18, people who live in Scotland … Read more

HPRgument: Harvard’s Bloomberg Pick

On March 5, 2014, Harvard announced that Michael Bloomberg M.B.A. ’66, the former three-term mayor of New York City, will serve as the principal speaker at this year’s Commencement. The following two weeks saw a flurry of activity on social media and campus-wide publications fueled by voices against the choice, especially in light of Bloomberg’s … Read more

HPRgument: Egypt

HPR writers analyze the situation in Egypt following the ouster of Hosni Mubarak in 2011. What comes after protests, constitutional reform, and governmental transition?