The Morality Question: Josh Matthews Revisited

Last month I wrote about a murder trial that I observed in Dupage County, Illinois.  Josh Matthews, who was found guilty in that case, inspired me to reflect on the question of morality in our society.  Matthews defended himself in court and displayed a dishearteningly suspect moral code.  His descriptions of his mother were unflattering, … Read more

The Sin of Saving

A year ago, during the wake of the financial crisis, it was fashionable to lambaste the greedy. Today, however, the moral pendulum has swung the other way. With the U.S. still sluggish in its recovery, commentators point towards to a new culprit: the global saving class, from the likes of Germany, Japan and China. Their … Read more

The Most Salienty Salient Article Ever

In the new Harvard Salient, Patrick T. Brennan has achieved the Platonic ideal of a Salient article: equal measures of pure arrogance, submerged racism, and exclusive affection for all things ancient. The only way to appreciate this article is to quote some of the choicest sections. For example: Americans of color have undoubtedly done some … Read more