Do Presidential Historians Have Short Memories?

In honor or Presidents’ Day, C-SPAN released the results of a survey given to 64 presidential historians, asking them to rank all the presidents in ten categories ranging from Pursued Equal Justice for All, Crisis Leadership, Economic Management, etc.  The results of those ten categories were then compiled to generate a list of all the … Read more

Libertarians are fun.

Also, w/r/t Sam’s post on how few Americans believe in evolution, I’d suggest there’s no way to ask an un-loaded question about evolution.  Gallup uses “theory of evolution”, which is the sort of phrasing that could prompt coming down against it for fence-sitters; this is the primary rhetorical tack of creationists.  Whereas a question that … Read more

Disturbing Poll of the Week

On the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth, only 39% of Americans believe in his theory of evolution. This is, naturally, quite disturbing. But there are even more interesting nuggets in that Gallup poll. How do you explain, for instance, the startling fact that 36% of Americans just don’t know whether or not they believe … Read more

Big Thought

As someone who studies history, one of the persistent historical puzzles is why America never developed a sizeable left.  By “left” I don’t mean the Democratic Party, but rather the center-left parties that have tended to dominate politics in the large, First-World nations since the end of WWII.  No one’s quite sure, and the difficulty … Read more

Not-so-Deep Thought

When I’m in the gym, I like to zone out by watching cable news while I run or bike.  This is the only time I watch cable news, since I believe it turns your brain to a much resembling tapioca.  With less flavor.  Anyway, I’ve observed that cable news commentators of all political persuasions seem … Read more


Here referring not to disdain of the volk, but rather to rule by elites.  Obama’s presidency is going to confront a number of entrenched, very powerful elites who will clash in very significant ways, so I thought I’d take a stab at a quick rundown. Educated Elite: Easily the largest group here, but the least … Read more