Happy Democracy Day!

It’s November 4, 2008. I’m currently sitting in a history seminar on the Yalta Conference of 1945, discussing how the Allied leaders decided to divvy up the Balkans. It’s striking to read the statements of Stalin and Churchill, because they read like ancient history. Churchill was driven by a single animating desire: the preservation of … Read more

Get the Joke: Palin Satire and Popular Appeal

Lately, I’ve become more accustomed to seeing Saturday Night Live’s Tina Fey as Governor Sarah Palin than Sarah Palin as herself. And apparently I’m not alone: The New York Times’ television blog, “TV Decoder,” noted on September 16 that the Tina Fey-Amy Poehler sketch, presenting the mock joint television appearance of Sarah Palin and Hillary … Read more

It Matters What Caused It!

When I first heard Gov. Sarah Palin say, in the vice-presidential debate, that she would not “attribute every activity of man to the changes in the climate,” I wanted to believe it was a mere verbal gaffe. I assumed she meant that she didn’t attribute every change in the climate to the activities of men. … Read more

Eternal War?

I don’t think most Obama supporters realize that Obama is running on a platform promising unending war in the Middle East. I don’t mean Iraq; I think he’s still committed to leaving Iraq as soon as possible. He has, however, committed to winning Afghanistan, and I don’t think voters realize just how much of a … Read more

A Historical Perspective on the 2008 Election

I was recently reading the Harvard Independent (a mistake, I know), and one of the writers had a piece discussing two widely-read articles over the summer trashing students from Harvard and other Ivy League universities. I skimmed through most of it, and what really struck me was a passage mentioning Harvard students’ homogenized, unfailingly reasoned … Read more

The Keynote Speaker, Back on the Campaign Trail

Fresh off of his keynote address at the Democratic National Convention, former Virginia governor Mark Warner is spending the rest of his summer engaging in a much less glamorous task: braving the Virginia humidity in search of a new job.   Once considered a strong potential candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination this year, Warner … Read more

Thoughts on the Georgian Conflict

I don’t think history has in any sense “returned”; as Robert Kagan has suggested of the recent conflict in Georgia, but merely has become more difficult for us to ignore. In retrospect, it seems foolishly naive that anyone could have ever believed it had ended. Rather than represent any particular “new reality”, this invasion has … Read more