HPR Podcast: Occupy

A discussion of the Occupy movement, and how it relates to students, politics, and Harvard. Topics include the horizontal organization of the movement, the impact of social media, and the background of the protesters. [audio:http://harvardpolitics.com/media/podcast/hpr-podcast-1.mp3] An extended edition is available for download here. A special thanks to Daniel Gross of WHRB 93.5 FM for assisting … Read more

The 99% and Ron Paul’s 37%

“We are the 99%!” – that was the cry chanted tirelessly by the group of several hundred OccupyDC protesters who marched down the streets of Washington D.C. to the White House this weekend, supporting a hodgepodge of ideas ranging from increased taxation of the rich to reforming education to ending corporatism in politics. Simultaneously just … Read more

Occupation With No End?

In the past week, thousands of protestors have taken to the street in New York City in a movement named by the hashtag “#OCCUPYWALLSTEET.” Dozens of arrests as well as photographs, videos, and tweets by protestors depicting aggressive police actions have turned the attention of the country towards Wall Street. Some, such as Ginia Bellafante of … Read more