Stealing in the Shadows: State-Level Political Corruption

It’s no secret that corruption lurks within the U.S. federal government. Throughout history, political machines and the spoils system have dominated U.S. politics, creating a culture of patronage that took decades to dismantle. Today, however, alternative forms of corruption have been on the rise. As University of Illinois at Chicago professor Dick Simpson told the … Read more

An Overlooked Solution to Reducing Food Waste: Sustainable Packaging

Roughly 40 percent of all food produced for human consumption in the United States—133 billion pounds of food and $165 billion annually—is wasted. Redistributing only 2 percent of this wasted food could end hunger in the United States. This epidemic of waste is also the single largest contributor to landfills, a major contributor to methane … Read more

The Engineered Crisis in Flint

Between early 2015 and mid-2017, a narrative of environmental injustice that eventually escalated to a federal state of emergency publicly unfolded in the city of Flint, Mich. Headlines accused officials of depraved indifference if not deliberate poisoning, and the public continues to question if lead exposure during the crisis has contributed to a recent decline … Read more