How I Read

Marc Ambinder, The Atlantic’s politics editor, just gave us a glimpse of his daily reading regime, and it surprised me. There’s an astonishing reliance on Twitter, something I’ve purposefully not used as just another source of news (I don’t want really important tweets, like what my friends had for lunch, being lost in the news shuffle).

First thing in the morning, I check my curated Twitter feeds on my iPhone….On the bus to work I return to Twitter to click on links that I want to dig deeper on….Until about a year ago, I was a Twitter skeptic. But now that there are good ways to sift out the garbage, it is my main source of news…Last thing at night, I check Twitter.

It sounds to me that Mr. Ambinder is using Twitter like I use Google Reader, an aggregation tool for all the disparate and random stuff I like to read (My favorite? Engadget). Unlike him though, I still frequent the New York Times’ website compulsively, most often on my iPhone—during class. Shhh. I also enjoy the Atlantic Wire (how else did I find this article?) It gives a nicely targeted view of what the blogosphere and press are in a kerfluffle about at any given time.
I’d be interested to know how and where the rest of the HPR’ers get their news—and Harvard students at large. I would place a big bet on…

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