Tebow Ad Letdown

So, we finally see the controversial Tim Tebow ad… and…. this is what everyone’s been fighting over?

Pam: I call him my miracle baby. He almost didn’t make it into this world. I can remember so many times when I almost lost him. It was so hard. Well he’s all grown up now, and I still worry about his health. You know, with all our family’s been through, you have to be tough…

Tim tackles his Mom.

Pam: Timmy! I’m trying to tell our story here.

Tim: Sorry about that, Mom… You still worry about me, Mom?

Pam: Well, yeah, you’re not nearly as tough as I am.

I didn’t even realize that this was the ad until Tim Tebow blindsided his mom. On the face of it, the ad isn’t even about abortion. Pam says she “almost lost him,” not that she almost decided to murder him, or whatever NOW and NARAL were afraid she was going to say.
If this ad had just shown up, without forewarning or fore-controversy, would anybody have been talking about it the next day? I don’t think so. The pro-choice groups look silly. The media look silly. The only people who don’t look silly are, in fact, the Tebows.

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