Weapons of Financial Mass Destruction

It is time for the United States government to address the most threatening nuclear proliferation threat of our day: Lehman Brothers.  The former investment bank is sitting on enough raw uranium to make an atomic bomb comparable to the Hiroshima weapon.  There is no question as to how the US government should respond: prompt and excessive violence.  Lehman Brothers struck the first blow against America with its malicious collapse on September 15th, 2008, a date which shall go down in infamy.  It destroyed our financial markets and prevented the election of John McCain.  Lehman Brothers’ collapse can only be described as a suicide bombing, and do you know what that is?  Terrorism. 

Unlike North Korea or Iran, Lehman Brothers have already done dire harm to America, and now they are demonstrating a capability to acquire the Bomb.  Here’s your chance to prove you’re tough on terror, BHO.

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