Dogs, Unleashed

Sometimes it takes me 20 minutes just to cross the Yard. There have been evenings when I walked in late to a meeting in Mather because I had to avoid the perilous Leverett courtyard shortcut. The reason is simple: unleashed dogs. I’m a self-acknowledged extremist when it comes to this issue. On a backpacking trip, … Read more

It’s Not Just Harvard

A failure to deal with mental health problems is far from a uniquely Harvard problem. The national scrutiny and high expectations placed upon Harvard students may increase stress and make these problems worse, but in every institution of higher learning in America, mental health is a serious issue. Suicides on state college campuses don’t get … Read more

Harvard’s Problem with Problems

So many of us come to Harvard, because it’s Harvard. Our crest grandly inspires us to pursue truth, but ‘veritas,’ emblazoned on our crimson shield has started to seem more and more evasive. Harvard has a problem with problems. From student mental health issues, to student suicide, to #OccupyHarvard, to academic integrity, like any perfectionist … Read more

Standing Alone, Together

“That sometimes human beings have to just sit in one place, and, like, hurt.” -David Foster Wallace, Infinite Jest There are often small gatherings around Harvard to just hurt, in that sacred way that people hurt when there is nothing else to do. When what’s done is done and what’s left do is unclear, sometimes … Read more

It’s Not Just Harvard

A failure to deal with mental health problems is far from a uniquely Harvard problem. The national scrutiny and high expectations placed upon Harvard students may increase stress and make these problems worse, but in every institution of higher learning in America, mental health is a serious issue. Suicides on state college campuses don’t get … Read more

Harvard’s Problem with Problems

So many of us come to Harvard, because it’s Harvard. Our crest grandly inspires us to pursue truth, but ‘veritas,’ emblazoned on our crimson shield has started to seem more and more evasive. Harvard has a problem with problems. From student mental health issues, to student suicide, to #OccupyHarvard, to academic integrity, like any perfectionist … Read more

Harvard’s fine, maybe we aren’t?

After the recent Crimson editorial that came out last week, students at the school have been assaulted with a barrage of criticism directed at the administration and its mental services. Caustic comments assert that UHS is to blame for the student’s struggles alone, leaving few to look introspectively at the problem. Harvard does not have … Read more

Dual Culpability

The resurgence of the mental health issue at Harvard presents new difficulties to the administration and community, namely a newly energized blame game and unfortunate consequential apathy. For many students, the mental health issues on campus are institutional and structural. Many believe that the academic rigor, the subjective “largeness” of the university, the proximity to … Read more

Death of the Green Blog

I wrote a column a few weeks ago about the rapid decline of science coverage in the media-a decline partially related to declining profits in print journalism, and partially related to the decline in prestige associated with science since the Cold War ended. I was thus saddened to see on March 1 that The New York … Read more