The Close Impact of the Shutdown

This week, Oxford University Press announced that, in the wake of the government shutdown, they would give free access to Oxford content for all those who wanted it. This access included access to Oxford Reference (username: tryoxfordreference password: govshutdown) American National Biography Online (username: tryanb password: govshutdown) Social Explorer (e-mail for login credentials) While … Read more

‘As Good As We Are Great’

During the speech that formally announced the start of Harvard’s $6.5 billion Capital Campaign, President Faust set forth her hopes for the university’s future and defined its mission. While asserting that the campaign should fund Harvard’s continued legacy of innovation and discovery, she also explained how it should ensure that the university’s work is “as good as … Read more

‘As Good As We Are Great’

During the speech that formally announced the start of Harvard’s $6.5 billion Capital Campaign, President Faust set forth her hopes for the university’s future and defined its mission. While asserting that the campaign should fund Harvard’s continued legacy of innovation and discovery, she also explained how it should ensure that the university’s work is “as good as … Read more

Stockholm’s Proclamation for the OPCW

Yesterday, October 11, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their “extensive efforts to eliminate chemical weapons.” This award must be seen as an endorsement of the perceived success of the OPCW in working to arrange for the destruction of chemical weapons and averting a once-imminent … Read more

Stockholm’s Proclamation for the OPCW

Yesterday, October 11, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their “extensive efforts to eliminate chemical weapons.” This award must be seen as an endorsement of the perceived success of the OPCW in working to arrange for the destruction of chemical weapons and averting a once-imminent … Read more

Divestment is Losing the Battle, Winning the War

Last Wednesday, Harvard’s local chapter of the national divestment campaign received a sharp and public rejection from university president Drew Faust, who released a public statement that she will not support reinvesting Harvard’s endowment portfolio away from fossil fuels. The letter has been billed as a massive disappointment for divesters, whose path to reshaping how … Read more

The "Troubling Inconsistency" of Drew Faust

In defending Harvard’s investment in the fossil fuel industry, President Drew Faust writes that she sees “a troubling inconsistency in the notion that, as an investor, we should boycott a whole class of companies at the same time that, as individuals and as a community, we are extensively relying on those companies’ products and services … Read more

American Drug Sentencing: Inefficient, Unfair, and Racially Discriminatory

Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) introduced a bill in the Senate Judiciary Committee this year that would change mandatory minimum sentencing for drug offenses. The legislation, known as the Justice Safety Valve Act, gives judges much greater flexibility in criminal sentencing for drug offenses. This flexibility could combat the inefficiency, unfairness, … Read more

Against Obama’s College Reform Plan

Since their inception in 1965, Pell Grants have been doled out haphazardly. The financial need of a recipient has always been the main determinant of whether or not he or she receives federal aid. But no effort has been made to link these state-funded college payouts to the quality of the grantee’s education. During his … Read more