HPRgument: The Ethics of Donating to Harvard

Upon a $150 million donation to Harvard College by Kenneth Griffin – unprecedented in the institution’s history – some members of the Harvard community and the national media exclaimed in awe, while others let out cries of frustration. What are the ethics of donating to Harvard, which has the largest university endowment in the world? More generally, … Read more

HPRgument: An Honor Code at Harvard?

On January 28, 2014, the Academic Integrity Committee released its first draft of the recently proposed Honor Code. Plagiarism and academic honesty have been ever-escalating issues on campus since the Government 1310 cheating scandal in spring of 2012. Does this merit a new honor code for Harvard? And if so, in the manner that the … Read more

New Poll: The Politics of the Millennial Generation

Every fall and spring, the Harvard Public Opinion Project (HPOP) releases America’s largest poll of young people. The poll usually gets a great deal of national coverage. Unfortunately, much of this coverage only goes skin deep, highlighting the supposed apathy of young people in America and our cynicism about the future of politics. This project, a partnership … Read more

Summer Dispatch

Ten HPR writers discuss their experiences this summer interning, traveling, politicking, and going home. Read about travels through China, cultural shocks in Chile, attempts to forge bipartisanship in Washington D.C., and more in 2013’s Summer Dispatch!

Same-Sex Marriage and the Court

Four HPR writers explore the legal and political ramifications of the Supreme Court’s recent same-sex marriage decisions. From Justice Kennedy’s judicial activism and Justice Scalia’s originalism to the LGBT equality movement and party politics, these writers explore some of the most pressing questions the justices left us with on June 26. (Update: Humza Bokhari looks … Read more

Gun Control: Compromise and Defeat

Five HPR writers react to the Senate’s recent vote blocking the Manchin-Toomey background check compromise and other issues surrounding the Democrats’ gun control push. Writers analyze the compromise bill itself, explain why it failed, and examine the political consequences of that vote now and in the future.