The Spring 2010 Issue of the HPR is out!

The Spring 2010 issue of the Harvard Political Review is available here in an online browseable pdf format. Most articles are also now available on, and the rest will be rolling out soon.
Harvard students, look for print copies in your house dining halls starting on Wednesday, and in Annenberg on Friday and Saturday!


Africa Open for Business: A critical look at China’s investment in Africa. By Victoria Hargis.
Darfur: To be Continued: Don’t be fooled by Darfur’s disappearance from the front pages. By Mason Pesek and Tyrell Dixon.
Cycle of Corruption: Corruption in Africa will not end until civil society repairs itself. By Isabelle Glimcher and Tim Lambert.
Can Soccer Save South Africa?: High expectations mask tough realities. By Kathy Lee and Taylor Helgren.
A Reflection on Ourselves: Media narratives about backwards Africa say more about us than them. By Will Rafey.
Personal narratives
Beauty in the Beast: A Harvard Student’s Take on Life Under Mugabe. By Dalumazi Happy Mhlanga.
Health Insurance in Ghana: Lessons from a trip home during J-term. By Timothy Kotin.

The Times Charges Ahead: New online business model will help the press preserve the public good. By Jeff Kalmus.
Excessive and Irrelevant Talking: How the filibuster evolved and why it’s here to stay. By Colin Shannon.
An Enlightened Approach to Illegal Immigration: Why the politics of immigration must be reconciled with reality. By Jimmy Wu.
Taking a Pickup to Washington: How Scott Brown pulled out a victory in New England. By Peter Bozzo and John Prince.
-Online-only features-
Gold Coins Tip the Scales of Justice: Why the Citizens United case is a blow to democracy. By John He.
Unfulfilled Promise: Evaluating the first year of the Obama presidency. By Adan Acevedo and Damon Meng.
Manipulating Self-Determination: Puerto Rico might become a state without wanting to. By Pablo Hernandez.
Midterm Madness: A Republican resurgence in the 2010 election? By Alexander Chen.
The End of a Leftist Era: Why Chile’s new conservative leader isn’t much of a change. By Casey Thomson.
Putting a Price on Climate Change: Copenhagen postmortem and the question of climate aid. By Thomas Hwang and Taylor Lane.
Of Burqas and Rosaries: The EU’s Islamic identity crisis. By Ioana Calcev.

The Human Factor: Eastwood does Mandela. By Jonathan Hawley.
The Case for Executive Power: A legal defense of the Bush terror policies. By Jeffrey Lerman.
People Power in DPRK?: Big brother and double-think on the peninsula. By Paul Mathis.
Stephen Walt: professor of international affairs at Harvard. By Felix De Rosen.
Thomas Ricks: journalist, author, and Foreign Policy blogger. By Robert Long.
-Online-only features-
Jo Luck: President and CEO of Heifer International. By Sophie Angelis.
Wendy Kopp: founder and president of Teach for America. By Meredith Baker.
Bring Back the West: The value of the Western tradition in higher education. By Zoey Orol.

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