Former Coworkers too Busy to Meet Up, Talk Politics

An unconfirmed photograph of Senator Sanders’ criminally underused garden bench


Former Senator Hillary Clinton appeared dispirited last week following a days-long attempt to coordinate a time to meet up with her former colleague, Senator Bernie Sanders, for a casual chat about politics and the events of the day. Sanders reached out to his former coworker several days ago, expressing a desire to meet up with her and have a talk.

“I believe it is important to continue having the same kinds of discussions about issues that Hillary and I used to have when we worked together in the Senate,” Sanders said, expressing confidence that in spite of their busy schedules, the two would be able to reconnect with one another after some years working separate jobs. In spite of this, every time suggested by Clinton has conflicted with Sanders’ jam-packed work and social schedule.

“I asked Bernie if he would be free to meet up before the New York primary, but he rejected three separate dates. He had to work on his campaign one night, so that night was out. He wouldn’t do the following morning either, and the third proposed time conflicted with a college basketball game he wanted to watch. I’ve never really been into sports, so I don’t really understand that. Why would he choose basketball over an old friend?” Clinton wondered.

Both individuals expressed frustration with the other’s failure to suggest a workable time to reconnect and discuss their different proposed approaches to the issues facing the country. Senator Sanders suggested that perhaps he ought to send Secretary Clinton a Doodle Poll with a wider range of proposed dates and times and streamline the scheduling process.

At press time, Secretary Clinton was observed making a passive-aggressive press release disparaging those who prioritized college basketball over years-long friendships forged on a shared passion for social justice.


Image Source: Flickr/Michael Coughlan

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