The Age of Big Internet

It takes a lot for “bad cable customer service” to make the news, yet Ryan Block’s infamous 2014 phone call with Comcast managed to do just that. Block, a tech journalist, had made the decision to switch cable providers and just needed the cable company to disconnect his service. As he quickly realized, the representative … Read more

The Ethics of Overcoming a Pandemic: Interview with Danielle Allen

Political theorist Danielle Allen is the James Bryant Conant University Professor at Harvard University and director of Harvard’s Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics, where she leads the center’s on-going COVID-19 Rapid Response Initiative. Widely recognized for her contributions to democratic theory, political sociology, and the history of political thought, Allen is the 2020 recipient … Read more

For the Most Vulnerable, Space is a Scarce Resource in the Age of COVID-19

Toilet paper, hand sanitizer, tissues. These items were the first to be frantically bought out from local supermarkets as the coronavirus started to ravage the nation, leaving empty shelves staring back at unlucky shoppers. However, their absence was temporary. As the pandemic rages on, many are finding that one commodity remains a scarce resource: space.  … Read more

Solidarity Forever

“You are who I love, you who stands at the courthouse with the sign that reads NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE” – Aracelis Girmay, “You Are Who I Love” Discomfort Liberalism assesses solidarity as an abstract concept rather than a strongly-held moral value. In this framework, unity is reduced to a comforting idea that focuses only … Read more

The Other Face of Privilege

By now, you’ve seen or heard the word “privilege” in myriad contexts: trumpeted from megaphones at city protests, stamped across aesthetically pleasing Instagram infographics, italicized and bolded in op-eds. In the context of recent race relations, the notion of “privilege” has been widely discussed and viewed as an exclusively White phenomenon that runs rampant in … Read more

Essentializing Essential Workers

Essentializing Essential Workers

As the coronavirus ravages communities around the world, essential workers continue risking their lives to perform the services that sustain our very lives. They clean our streets, keep us fed, and nurse us back to health. Praised by politicians, glorified by CEOs, and celebrated by celebrities and consumers alike, essential workers have been likened to heroes throughout the pandemic. Such recognition … Read more