A Brave New World

This is the future of politics, and I don’t know if I like it. It’s a site called “Eightmaps”, and is a mashup of Google Maps and the Yes on Prop 8 donor list.  It shows, by residence or place of business, where donors live, their name, and how much they donated.  On the one … Read more

A Strange Article

Lamenting the downfall of traditional reading and how people raised on the internet (yes, thank you, that’d be us) are more or less illiterate. There’s a whiff of self-righteousness under a thick smog of condescending superiority, topped off with the occasional note of fear for an ill-defined apocalypse. Seriously, people, there are Luddites in every … Read more

Department of Unsurprising News

So apparently Israel approached the United States asking if we’d be willing to help them bomb Iran. Being somewhat reasonably alarmed by the concept of Iran having the Bomb, they were looking to destroy Iran’s capability to enrich uranium.  It seems incredible that Israel might do that and the Iranians would just grin and bear … Read more

On the Chaos in Gaza

I’m not going to venture a solid opinion on the conflict, since offering any kind of opinion on that seems just like a losing proposition.  Rather, I offer a purely analytical post.  As a sidenote, you should all read this post by Megan McCardle more articulately explaining why. But as a purely practical matter, the … Read more

Bernie Madoff & The Fiscopalypse

The scandal surrounding Bernie Madoff’s bilking of all those nice people is, in the grand scheme of things, not that consequential.  But I think it’s unsurprising that it’s sucking up a lot more press attention (for the moment) than the ongoing slow-motion collapse of our economy.  After all, the Madoff story has a villain, victims, … Read more

An Odd Symmetry

I couldn’t help but notice a pretty odd parallel (or, properly, inversion) between the abortive auto bailout killed by Senate Republicans and the TARP bank bailout of October.  The first one, killed by House Republicans.  Gosh, the Republicans do not like bailouts. Sidebar: While yes, large government bailouts do go against the Republicans’ stated ideals … Read more

A Quick Cynical Thought

Area of the country most likely to suffer from an auto industry failure: The Great Lakes region, a Democratic stronghold with large investments in manufacturing. Area of the country most likely to benefit from an auto industry failure: The South, a Republican stronghold with large investments in auto assembly plants owned by foreign firms.   … Read more