Ukraine Boils Over: Media Diet

The Ukraine is boiling over. The Maidan, the Tahrir Square of Kiev, is a war zone. The battle lines are constantly being redrawn, and the conflict has already spread beyond the capital, even into traditionally Russian strongholds. But you might miss the rapidly unfolding human drama if you follow only American news sources. Here’s your media diet if you want the latest, and most accurate, reports from the front lines.
Round-the-clock curated posts from Ukrainian journalists, expat news sources, and diplomats. Some entries in Ukrainian/Polish/German.
The Guardian‘s liveblog. Blog posts, video reports, and news analysis from the UK and the Ukraine.
Online journal dedicated to “dismantl[ing] the language barrier that separates journalists.” Longform news analysis and liveblogging that attempts to clarify and condense the array of stories coming from Kiev.
Livefeed of Kiev-based Espreso TV’s broadcast. Switches between live coverage of the main stage in the Maidan, and Ukrainian Parliament.
Live aerial view of the Maidan. No commentary, just ambient noise of firecrackers, gunshots, and sirens.
Photo Credit: Flickr

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